Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Poem: I Am Only Disabled When

I may have a disability, 
but I am only disabled when others look past my abilities. 

I may not be able to walk,
but I am only disabled when I am without my wheels.

I may not be able to climb a flight of stairs,
but I am only disabled when there is not an equivalent elevator. 

I may not be able to step down when the sidewalk ends,
but I am only disabled when a curb cut out has not been poured.

I may not be able to handle a door,
but I am only disabled when an access button has not been installed.   

I may not be able to write quickly or neatly,
but I am only disabled when I am not granted extra time on tests.

I may not be able to use every stall in a public restroom,
but I am only disabled when there is not an available accessible stall. 

I may have a disability, 
but I am only disabled when others look past my abilities. 

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